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Meditation Mastery: Finding Peace & Calm in the Midst of Life, Work & Relationships$0

An online Course with Self-
Study Access


 8 Meditation Mastery Exclusive Training Videos with Pragito - Released every 2 weeks starting Monday, January 29th. 

Training videos include…exercises, guided hypnosis, awareness techniques, and activations. You’ll be guided in discovering how to live in Peace and Calm, unleash your unique creativity, and increase your ability to attract financial abundance.  

9 LIVE Zoom sessions with Pragito – Messages from the Masters and Q & A - every 2 weeks 

BONUS: 7 Meditation CD Downloads * Private Facebook Group for invaluable sharing with Pragito and other participants

Please Note: 

You will receive 6 months access to the


  • Total payment
  • 1xMeditation Mastery: Finding Peace & Calm in the Midst of Life, Work & Relationships$0

All prices in USD

Client Appreciation:

“Through this training, I have taken control of my health and life. I’m now able to access Peace and Calm easily. I have discovered that listening to the wisdom of my heart helps me make better decisions. It is much easier now for me to raise my children with love, peace, and wisdom. My whole family has benefited.” - Ronda S.
